A survival horror videogame developed in 48h (by 4 devs) during a Global Game Jam. Find the collectables to ridiculize the monster (NPC) so you can escape!
Root's up
A videogame developed in 48h (by 5 devs) during a Global Game Jam. The whole map consists in 8 procedurally generated interconnected chunks of roots (mesh computed using marching cubes) that simulate an infinite looping world.
Blobs & Gulps
A videogame developed in 48h (by 3 devs) during a Global Game Jam. 2 autonomus factions, agents with variable moods that take different decisions. As the player, you can take control of any agent anytime in order to eradicate one of the factions.
Leak Point
A videogame developed in 48h (by 4 devs) during a Global Game Jam. Solve a puzzle based on the inverse projection matrix properties while jumping throught a cloud of ¿¿¿randomly??? positioned cubes.
Tap To JAmp
A "The Impossible Game" or "Geometry Dash" clone I fully developed long ago. Physics, collisions (Hyperplane separation theorem or SAT), particle system, "level editor" and camera movement coded from scratch.
Aethereal Gear
A 2D top-down hack&slash videogame coded and designed by me as the final project for my HNC. Multiple enemies and resources, a boss, a cool character with different attacks and a lot of fun.
MarcMDE's website
A very cool website about MarcMDE. My portfolio and presentation card. I tried to stick to plain HTML, CSS and JS for simplicity and as a way to remember how do web languages work. Hopefully getting rid of Bootstrap in a near future (no hate ).